Dr Kate’s Summer Newsletter

Welcome to my summer newsletter. This newsletter will give you an update of what I have been up to recently, what is coming up, including information about upcoming training, as well as some hypno tips or techniques and other useful stuff!

As this is the first newsletter, what counts as ‘recently’ could be weeks, months or even years since I met you, we last talked, or if indeed we ever have! For now, I will keep mainly to this year.

Hospital Work

It was delightful recently to be asked to provide a hypnosis MP3 for staff and patients to listen to. I am still supporting the NHS with my work with a London teaching hospital and am currently working with staff promoting self-care.


Powerful Hypnosis Presentations: The HypnoDemo Approach, launched last year, is now even available in Australia (via Amazon). I am still editing my next book, all about communication tips for therapists. It is due to be launched in the autumn.


Last year I launched the awesome (and now popular) Performance Palace Protocol, which is fantastic for working with a wide range of performance issues and anxieties. At the end of this newsletter is some special information about online courses.

Teaching Practitioners

Last year I designed and co-wrote a live online hypnotherapy practitioner course and I now teach this course four to five times a year. It is fabulous to meet students from all around the world. In addition, as places are now available for the HypnoTC Diploma course starting in September 2021, I will soon be meeting a whole new group of students face to face at the Royal Horseguards Hotel in Westminster, London.

CPD & Development Training

The live online and in-person practitioner development events and EMDR training sessions have both been popular and well attended.

The next courses will be:

EMDR Practical Skills

I have completely redesigned and expanded the EMDR training provision into ‘Hypno-EMDR’. Going forwards it will be in three parts:

  1. Hypno-EMDR Practical Skills Workshop: Live online, two days, with a focus on practical application of EMDR techniques and approaches for online and in-person applications.

  2. Hypno-EMDR Practitioner Online Course: An online training course with supporting theory and demonstrations of the material covered on the practical skills workshop (launching Autumn 2021).

  3. Hypno-EMDR Master Practitioner Course: An in-person three-day training course covering advanced techniques, protocols and concepts.

The next Hypno-EMDR Practical Skills Workshop will be on Saturday 4 and Sunday 5 September. Here is the link to book your place: hypnotc.com/emdr-for-hypnotherapists

Please note, if you have attended any previous EMDR training with me, you can benefit from a half-price place. Simply email me for a link.

Hypnosis Skills

There will be a Hypnosis Skills Workshop on 14 September. This will be live online at from 7pm to 10pm. As with most CPD and development sessions, this will be highly interactive and participative with lots of practical work.

Self-Hypnosis Workshop

There will be a self-hypnosis one-day in-person workshop held on Saturday 18 September in London. Here is the link to book: hypnotc.com/self-hypnosis-training


The preference (and, in some cases, need) for online conference events is continuing from 2020. It was great to be able to present for Hypnothoughts 2020, albeit via video. Sadly, due to the present travel restrictions, I wasn’t able to attend Hypnothoughts 2021 in Las Vegas. Here’s hoping I can get there for 2022. They already have the dates as the last weekend in July which is promising.

However, my love for contributing to conferences was indulged and I have recently presented at the Federation of Holistic Therapists Online Conference and the Dave Elman Legacy Conference.

I have also filmed a presentation for the UK Hypnosis Convention. This will be presented online in November this year.

Speaking Engagements

It was wonderful to be invited to present to the Hypnosis NZ group in New Zealand. Considering it was 9am on a Friday morning for them, I was very surprised at quite how many people not only joined the Zoom session but engaged so actively!

Hypnotherapy Client Appointments

I have been busy with my client appointments this year, seeing most clients online. Although I do also see clients face-to-face, these appointment slots do get snapped up quickly and the first available now is presently the first week in September. However, there is still availability for online (via Zoom) sessions starting in August.

Individual & Research Supervision

Therapy (individual) supervision and mentoring sessions, and also research supervision sessions are now available online and can be booked in multiples of 15 minutes. This means that you only need to book the time you require.

Group Supervision

The group supervision continues to be very popular and places are capped to ten people each month. To secure your place, remember to book early. Sessions are conducted online via Zoom and are held mid-week (days vary) from 6:30pm to 8:30pm. A supervision attendance certificate is issued. The upcoming dates for the remainder of 2021 are: 18 August, 15 September, 14 October, 18 November and 15 December.

Technique/ Tip: Mindful Colouring

We often think of mindfulness as quiet meditation. However, there are many forms of active mindfulness, including mindful colouring. The act of colouring engages both hemispheres of the brain. The staying in-between the lines requires logic (and boosts motor skills and attention), whilst the choosing of colours increases your creative thought processes. The act of colouring also has a relaxation effect on the amygdala (fear centre in the brain).

However, the benefits are even more broad than that. When colouring during a break in your day, it can help activate your frontal lobe, helping you increase your organisational and problem-solving abilities, and boosting focus.

In addition, colouring can offer a relaxing and non-electronic form of relaxation as part of a bedtime ritual. This can boost satisfaction and lead to a more positive mindset when going to sleep.

Special Offers & Gifts

There are two bonuses for you having read all the way down to the bottom of this newsletter!

Firstly, I have recorded a confidence-focused Hypnosis MP3 that you may find helpful: soundcloud.com/user-618923968/drkatehypno-july21-confidence/s-PFHVdyQymR5

Secondly, if you haven’t yet found my online training provision, Hypnosis-Courses.com, or, if you have had your eye on a course or two and not yet grabbed it, then there is a 10% discount until the end of July. Here is the code: JULY10

That seems to be about it for now. If there is anything you would like me to mention in an upcoming newsletter, feel free to email me at info@drkatehypno.com.

See you soon.



"Dr Kate both educates and supports you through the course content" - Jodie


Dr Kate presents webinar to Hypnosis New Zealand