Teaching Experience
EMDR course in Iceland
Having had teaching as part of my role throughout my career, it was an added bonus to participate in so much hypnosis training as part of the research for my Doctorate of Education (Ed.D). My research focused on the educational aspects of hypnosis, how hypnotists and hypnotherapists are taught and how therapeutic skills and knowledge are best acquired and retained by trainees.
In addition to gaining valuable research data, the added benefits included immense developments of my knowledge and skills as a hypnotherapy practitioner, and a valuable understanding of teaching hypnosis and hypnotherapy, especially what does and does not lead to effective learning!
I teach clinical and non-clinical students a broad range of hypnotherapy theory and practice. In recent years, I have designed and developed hypnotherapy curriculum to exceed the requirements of the UK National Occupational Standards and Core Curriculum.
I have taught in both Higher Education (universities) and Further Education (colleges), on topics including hypnotherapy, psychology, research methods and study skills. My teaching practice has been formally assessed and I have received two ‘Outstanding’ ratings.
Blending my interests in teaching and research, I lead on supervising Hypnotherapy MSc. research students, as a subject specialist, during their research methods and dissertation phases.
I'm a Certified Instructor for the National Guild of Hypnotists, teaching hypnosis and hypnotherapy all over the world. I am also a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and Fellow of the Society for Education and Training.
From a communication perspective, I have achieved Associate Trinity College London, with an Associate Diploma and Professional Certificate in Communication Skills.