"I would highly recommend Kate to anyone looking for a supervisor" - Sherry

I trained as a hypnotherapist with Dr Kate and HypnoTC two years ago and have been lucky to have Kate as my supervisor since then for both group supervision and one to one supervision when required.

Both forms of supervision have been really helpful and supportive.

The individual advice when needed has helped boost my confidence in dealing with difficult issues and the group supervision always gives me something new and interesting to bring to my own practice.

Drawing on on the experience of the participants and underpinned by Kate's extensive knowledge and experience, it has proved really valuable.

I would highly recommend Kate to anyone looking for a supervisor to support them as therapists and to develop their practice.

Sherry Clift

Read original review on Trustpilot: trstp.lt/YjnJgG0gR


"Kate delivers her course with professionalism, clarity and humour" - Colleen


"If you are looking for a trainer who is the top of their field, then Dr Kate is the person for you" - Spencer